Охрана окружающей среды компанией АО Сосновскагропромтехника
Main Sustainable development Environmental protection


SAPT is aimed at minimising the production impact on the environment, as well as maintaining a positive environmental situation within the area where the Company is located.

When making decisions on any activity we evaluate all possible environmental risks to minimise or completely avoid them.

The company works on environmental protection
in accordance with the current legislation, state and industry technical standards and regulatory documents, orders and instructions of higher authorities, orders of local authorities.

  • Our principles:
  • Environmental protection is part of our activities;
  • Minimisation of environmental impact by controlling air emissions, rational use of natural resources and waste disposal;
  • Rational use and protection of surface and ground waters, atmospheric air;
  • Integration of low-waste and environmentally friendly technologies aimed at reducing the discharge of polluted wastewater into the environment and reducing emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere;
  • Monitoring compliance with environmental standards when developing projects for construction, reconstruction or technical re-equipment of workshops and other facilities
Certificate of conformity